What’s up APAC? webinar – Understanding the dynamic Asia-Pacific market

The ”What’s up APAC?” webinar, held in August 2024, provided participants with valuable insights into the current economic situations across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region and the underlying causes. The webinar explored the unique business culture in the region and discussed some of the most relevant and timely topics in APAC countries.

Participants also had the opportunity to hear a real-life success story about expanding into Singapore, highlighting key considerations for achieving success in this dynamic market.

The event recording is now available, offering insights into the critical factors for business expansion. You will hear best insights from:

  • Pekka Laitinen – Senior Director, Region Head, APAC at Business Finland
  • Risto Korpi –  Director, PwC
  • Antti Toivonen  Managing Director, Superson APAC
  • Samppa Vilkuna, CEO of Superson (moderator)

This webinar provided a well-rounded view of the opportunities and challenges in the APAC market. Watch the recording below.

Watch the recording below

The event was made possible through the collaboration of several key industry players, including Business Finland and PwC.


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